Sunday, May 16, 2010


Time occurs to me as such a questionable concept. Is there an over abundance? Is there scarcely enough? Sometimes time feels like one big circle, then other some times feel like a vast long plane, with unknowing ironies lying ahead, and nonetheless, we still seem to squander our time rather than see to spending and paying toward a future, yet how much do we see of it in the end?
Forever is a long time. If your try and contemplate how long eternal or everlasting is, it’s interminable. In today’s day and age, looking up can be an odd thing to do. Just laying out and thinking. Just laying there in the middle of your world and looking at the sky. At any point of the day or night and at any point in any season or time, the sky is gorgeous. Any weather, any conditions, any craziness down below, the sky is still there, enviously outstanding. And besides the obvious physical beauty of it, the thing that hooks me the most is the mystery of it all. And I say all, in a plural sense, because the sky seems to me to be more than just a sky. Looking, seeing, and finding deeper and deeper into the sky is a little intimidating to me. Because no matter how many classes I attend to further my knowledge about how deep the vastness of the sky is, or what’s beneath the layer I can plainly see, I still look up and find everlasting so visibly apparent. The sky is so never ending. So humbling.
While outdoors thinking, and searching into our immense skies, breathing and taking in the glory of the creation for creation from the creator the sky is just the tip of the iceberg. Go from looking up, and then into within. When man was made, we came from dust. Mankind, came from dust. We, the divine creatures, chose for thinking and reasoning, came from the same dust that covers our earth and is trampled and stirred by each and any animal that is mobile. Dust and the never-ending vastness of sky are two incredibly un-unified aspects of this earth. In Ecclesiastes, it written that all people come from dust, then die and return to dust. So then how is it we are so very valuable. Why does the creator of the sky choose to dwell among the dust?
Because we are not wholly dust. We are different BECAUSE God choose to dwell in us. We are HOLY dust.
Our life as dust, our life as a vapor, our life, so short, small, and fragile, is a lot of nothing compared to the eternity of the sky, of water, of rocks and land. To the Creator and Maker of all this and more,
To the everlasting Father and Son whom are
Forever and ever.

The dust and the sky coincide so well. This everlasting God has to ability to meet you where you are it’s
The Horizon. We may be dust, but it’s no matter for an eternal God. We may be a vapor, so misspent by the concept of time. But dust is dust:
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
The dust is nothing compared to who and what God is. The everlasting. The coinciding. All the time we see in these lives that is so ongoing, so boring, so suffice or so overabundant is a vapor, is a breath, is a wind full of dust to the sky. To the God, the Creator who sees past all that knows where your time is to be spent. Struggles and worries without the Father waste time. They are unavoidable but why should we have to exert the extra energy when it could be spent being carried by the God who knows where to go.
Romans 8:18 Future Glory.
I consider our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Being a vapor and being dust is living. When we live, we are out of the dust, before we die, then return to dust. The small moment of life, we are given the breath of the Creator. And the equivalent of this divine Breath is the Spirit, The Holy Spirit given to us by Jesus, as he descended into heaven, not descending back into the dust. We have the Breath, the Spirit and the Creator holding us down to earth, holding us, as fragile as we are, keeping us timeless. This same Spirit can prevent us from returning to dust, because of Jesus we can return to heaven, return to the Father. We can return to the sky and praise, because we can accept time for what it is, accept struggles for what they represent, because when the end is awakening, because you’ve lived the way you were created. Our life is but a vapor. Time is meaningless.